Inside the Market
We have many great vendors and featured guests that come to our market each week, but the Farm-Fresh Market has even more to offer! Read on below to learn more about other activities and attractions, and view a collection of pictures to get an engaging look at what it's like to go to the market.
Chef in Residence
Cookbook Exchange

One day some members of the Market Master Team were downsizing their cookbook collections. Rather than taking them as a donation elsewhere, they thought “why not bring them to the market?” And so it began. Folks bring their “gently used” books to the market and peruse the offerings already there. Kids, beginning cooks, vendors, experts – even chefs! – have picked ones to take home. Frequently, after copying some favorites from the books, they are returned to be recycled once again. If you have some books or magazines (in good condition, please!) bring them along to the market.
The Farm-Fresh Market in Pictures
See pictures from the 5th Annual Farmer's Table Dinner on the SHC website.